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How to protect your hair during winter

When the cold dry air hits you, here are a couple tips for protecting your hair during these harsh times.

Mix up your hair routine

A combination heat treating and the cold wintery air can cause damage to your hair. Cold weather can be particularly bad if you’re predisposed to static, frizz, and dry or sensitive ends. Take steps to mitigate it!

Use a microfiber towel to absorb moisture from your hair through gentle squeezing after washing. Don’t rub your hair with the towel, as this can cause breakage and knots.

Should you use a blow drier, stick to medium heat. Continue to apply heat until your hair is about 80% dry, then try to do away with any tangles.  Adding your product to finish this up ensures you’re not getting the product where you don’t want it.

Quality Shampoo

The moisture in the summer air is a lot more forgiving than the cold dry wintery air. So getting away with using less product and letting your hair go a little wild is easier. With this in mind, using quality shampoo is especially important in the winter, so how do you go about finding a good shampoo?

Thankfully, these days your local drugstore products have been getting better. It’ll likely be decent if it’s from a known, reputable brand, though less likely so if it’s really cheap. Consider shelling out a little bit for the reputable brands in your drugstore.

Keeping that in mind, drugstore employees likely aren’t experts. It doesn’t hurt to ask your stylist for suggestions as they are more familiar with your hair. They’ll give you several options varying in price and you’ll decide how much you want to spend.

Extra maintenance tips

Covering it up is a surprisingly simple way to protect your hair from the elements and reducing its exposure to the harsh winter air. Make the effort to wear a hat, or at least cover up with a hood whenever you can.

Treat your hair to a weekly deep conditioning, try to be sure what you’re using doesn’t contain harsh chemicals. If you have doubts, ask your stylist for a recommendation, they’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction.

Try not to wash your hair more than 3 times a week during the winter. Though it may feel refreshing to wash your hair every day, doing so washes away natural oils that is essential to your hair’s health. 

A tip that may seem strange is to use a humidifier. The winter can dry out the air inside your home as well, especially with indoor heating. Use a humidifier to add moisture back to your hair to maintain a healthy amount of hydration. Also has other benefits for your skin and nose and throat.

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